Now Open In Midtown: I Love Juice Bar
Now Open In Midtown: I Love Juice Bar
"Do you like essential oils?"
This was the question that Cosmic Coconut owner Scott Tashie asked me late last week when I stopped by his new project in midtown, I Love Juice Bar. I didn't really know how to answer, since I am 100 percent new to the idea of ingesting essential oils. I was under the impression they were for baths and making rooms smell good.
But that's what Scott and his crew at I Love Juice Bar hope to do: educate people on the benefits of oil shots, juices, and healthy smoothies. The new juice bar, which is a locally-owned franchise, is just a few doors down from Otherlands and the Midtown Muddy's, in the former Inz And Outz location.
You order at the counter and then can go on about your merry way, or you can hang out in the completely remodeled space (with a nice patio!) and free Wi-Fi.
While I'm a big fan of pressed juices (I use a juicer at home) I'd never tried an essential oil shot, so I had to go for it. I chose the Allergy shot, which is $3 and contains pineapple, lavender, lemon and peppermint oils, and bee pollen. Scott directed me to take the shot, swish it around in my mouth for about 20 seconds, then swallow and take a few deep breaths.
My exact words after doing my first essential oils shot were, "it tastes like delicious mouthwash", and though I'm not sure that's really the best selling point, it was certainly refreshing and I could feel my sinuses clearing a little.
Because I drank this, I will live forever. That's how this works, right?
Next I had to try one of the whole fruits and vegetable juices. I went for the Fresh Greens, which has celery, kale, spinach, cucumber, parsley, and lemon. It was very healthy-tasting, but not too overwhelmingly grassy; I'm used to juices with lots of kale and spinach, so I liked it.
Scott recommends the Sweet Greens (like the Fresh Greens but with apple instead of celery) for those new to juicing. It's going to be a little sweeter. Also, anything with beet, carrot, or apple is going to be more accessible. I find that I get a good energy boost from juices, and hey - we could all consume more fruits and veggies.
If all of this sounds like a little much for you, don't worry. I Love Juice Bar, which officially opened on Saturday, also carries juices and more crowd-pleasing smoothies, plus some snack foods like Yippie Hippie granola. Things you might also find on the menu: cocoa banana peanut butter smoothies, berry and almond smoothies, and a mix-your-own option.
Small juices and smoothies are $5.50 and large juices and smoothies are $7.50. A few may cost a little more, and add-ons like wheat grass shots, bee pollen, and probiotics are $1 - $4.
So what's the difference between Cosmic Coconut and I Love Juice Bar? I Love Juice Bar is a franchise location (there are several locations around the country) thats offers juices, smoothies, and snacks in a convenient grab-and-go setting. Cosmic Coconut will evolve into a more sit-down experience with a lot more food options while still carrying juices and smoothies.
I Love Juice Bar is open Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Go there:
I Love Juice Bar
533 South Cooper Street
Memphis, Tennessee 38104
Franchise Twitter: @ilovejuicebar
Local Twitter (not active yet): @juicebarmemphis

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