Meet Memphian No. 125, Erik Proseus
Meet Memphian No. 125, Erik Proseus
(Photo of Erik by Ande Demetriou.)
Meet Erik Proseus, the man behind, a one-man local weather juggernaut:
Name: Erik Proseus
Occupation: Sr. Meteorologist with FedEx and one-man band at Cirrus Weather Solutions. The face of Cirrus is - a web and social media presence that exists to inform citizens about Mid-South weather patterns and keep them safe during adverse weather conditions.
Hometown: Bartlett, TN
Neighborhood: Rockyford
I love Memphis weather because: there is so much variation. It gives me a chance to sharpen my forecasting skills and experience many different weather regimes all without leaving town!
When I’m not working, I: am spending time with my family (beautiful wife of 14 years and two fun-loving elementary-age daughters), participating in church activities, and learning through reading and observing.
In the future, I hope that Memphis: is able to see past it's perceived divisions and unify more often, not just in times of great need or elation. I also hope that one day many more people around the globe will see Memphis as a world-class city.
My favorite Memphian is: Fred Smith, for having the the vision and tenacity to start and grow what has become the largest employer in the region, the economic bellwether of our nation, and the #1 air express cargo company in the world.
It’s important that: people take weather safety seriously. We get enough bad weather (of all types) that Memphians become immune to it and don't take the proper precautions when it becomes necessary.
My favorite season is: fall. Though it's entirely too short, I love the moderate climate in the fall, the leaves changing, and the fact that the pollen is lower than in the spring.
The best way to spend a thunderstorm is: sitting on my screened patio, watching the lightning and listening to the thunder rumble and the rain on the roof. Though these days I am more often in front of the radar, computer models, and HootSuite, keeping thousands of Memphians informed.
My favorite breakfast spot is: on my patio, especially on a crisp spring or fall morning.
I love Memphis because: it's home. My wonderful extended family is here, the weather is great (except for really hot summer days!), and there is a lot for families to do.
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Obviously a very smart guy - for two reasons. 1) His favorite Memphian is Fred Smith (great choice) and 2) You have to be an *awesome* weather dude to work at FedEx. Their weather reports have to be *extremely* accurate to keep those planes flying.
I didn't know about - so very glad to hear about this one!!
May 5, 2011 10:13am
Erik Proseus
Thanks for featuring me Kerry, and thanks for the nice comments by others! You can also catch me on Facebook ( and Twitter (@memphisweather1).
May 5, 2011 1:08pm
Joey Koval
Erik, I knew you once, when you were attending the U of M and we were in the Memphis Band. I've been following you on Twitter for some time and love your updates! Thanks for all that you do and congrats on finally "making it". ILoveMemphis is the big time! :)
May 6, 2011 11:35pm
Kevin Yancy
Thx Kerry for turning me onto Erik. I've always been sort of a weather geek myself and I take pride in supporting local/small business!
Erik, keep up the good work. Just snagged your Android app. Maybe I'll see u @ FedEx sometime as that's where I'm working these days.
thx again!
May 7, 2011 8:06am
Erik has become my #1 source of weather info. In the storms, he is always five minutes ahead of local weather channels and his site is so informative. He doesn't just tell the weather, he tells about what's going on in and around Memphis pertaining to all weather situations. I don't even watch local news anymore. Way to go Erik and congrats and good wishes for continued success!!!!!!
May 8, 2011 2:53pm
Joshua McAlpin
I have a lot of expensive weather apps on my phone but none of them compare to app for iPhone. It loads fast and gives me all the info I need in no time.
May 13, 2011 11:16pm
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