Memphis Music Feature: The Sensational Barnes Brothers
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Today’s interview is with Chris Barnes of the Memphis-based group The Sensational Barnes Brothers.
Today’s interview is with Chris Barnes of the Memphis-based group The Sensational Barnes Brothers.
“Beale Street most definitely has a special place in my heart. It’s where I began to really get exposure and gain the know-how in moving about on the scene.” -Chris Barnes of The Sensational Barnes Brothers
MH: In one word or phrase, what about Memphis inspires you creatively?
CB: The future of the music community in Memphis is a constant inspiration. It pushes us, being veterans in the game, to try and stay relevant.
MH: Who in Memphis do you love to listen to?
CB: I’m not sure that I have a favorite because of our wealth of amazing singers and musicians. Although I could listen to the BB King All-Stars everyday. I consider them one of the tightest units in the city. Stefanie Bolton would be my favorite female artist/vocalist around town.
MH: Which place gives you that Memphis vibe?
CB: Beale Street most definitely has a special place in my heart. It’s where I began to really get exposure and gain the know-how in moving about on the scene. There’s no place in the world like Memphis, so just as unique of a place Memphis is, that simply makes it forever feel like home.
MH: Can you give advice for a young artist getting started? CB: The best advice I could give and would give to musicians navigating the Memphis scene would be to remain humble, seize opportunity, and build a crazy work ethic. MH: Do you have a quick story that changed you as an artist, a moment in time that moved the needle for you? CB: Performing on Beale Street at BB King’s is always a story and an affirming experience. People from all over the world come and visit this venue and the feedback from tourists is always refreshing to say the least. Harry Springfield, who I consider my contemporary, has always been an encourager of our success and growth through the years. Of course there are many who have open doors for us to gain notoriety and be able to lay foundation for our careers musically. |
MH: Where can we hear you?
CB: Right now, The Sensational Barnes Brothers are working on music to be synced. Working and partnering with Yonas Media looks to be a game changer for us now. We are currently booking dates outside of the city (fingers crossed) as COVID lets up. We have an album out that was released in 2019 entitled Nobody’s Fault But My Own on Bible & Tire Records. It can be found wherever music is sold digitally. We also have physical copies available. You can hear us at any of your local churches and/or festival venues. Again, we are accepting booking as we speak!
The Sensational Barnes Brothers: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Spotify
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