Get Medieval at Memphis Armored Fight Club
This is a fight club we can talk about (and spectate!) and it's our newest obsession.
This is a fight club we can talk about (and spectate!) and it's our newest obsession.
From the Middle Ages to Memphis, watch as people, clad in authentic full armor, wield swords, axes, and maces, engaging in intense one-on-one battles. Memphis Armored Fight Club is devoted to the study of medieval armored combat.

When I learned about Memphis Armored Fight Club battling it out at Black Lodge, I knew I needed to go immediately. So I did and I was not disappointed.
At Black Lodge, they set up a ring where the modern knights battle it out in 14th-15th century style. Memphis Armored Fight Club isn’t just a reenactment or a choreographed show; it's a full-contact, competitive sport where strength, strategy, and skill are put to the test.
So real, in fact, that we had multiple injuries during our matches but thankfully none too serious.
“Any sport you can get hurt, we try really hard to prevent injuries,” Rusty Wagner said.
Wagner, who now oversees the club of eight members, first joined in 2018 after seeing the club duel at Millington’s Renaissance Fair and fell in love with it
“Most like all kids, we picked up a stick and started hitting things, each other,” Wagner said. “We were battling dragons and we’ve always had the knight in shining armor.”

To compete, the armor has to be as historically accurate as possible with 14th-15th century armor costing up to thousands of dollars. It also weighs around 65 pounds, Wagner said.
Rusty’s armor is based on English 14th century armor which he calls the “Man of War.” Others wear Italian gothic or German gothic armor.
After all the clanking of metal in the ring, spectators can jump in the ring themselves for $10 but not before strapping you into soft armor and signing a waiver. Fight your friend (or enemy) in a 90 second round.
Memphis Armored Fight Club routinely holds exhibitions at Black Lodge with the next event expected to be September 28, 2024. Admission is open to all and is $10.
Black Lodge has a full-service bar with food so you can enjoy a cold one or a tasty bite while watching the action. Don't forget to browse their great movie selection too.
By the way, Wagner’s top three knight movies are A Knight’s Tale, The King, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
You can also see them and compete at the upcoming Memphis Renaissance Faire on August 17, 2024. Another opportunity to see them is at the Fantasy Faire at Cordova Library on September 21, 2024.
Memphis Armored Fight Club is a family-friendly event. Kids ages five and up can participate.
To learn more about Memphis Armored Fight Club, give them a follow on Instagram or Facebook. Interested in joining or learning more? Message them! They are always looking to grow.
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