Carrying the Torch through Memphis: Lucy J’s Bakery

This blog was written in collaboration with our friends at Campfire Collective.

Lucy J’s Bakery opened in 2018 as a local non-profit organization dedicated to providing job training and living wage employment for parents who have lived – or who currently live — at the Dorothy Day House (DDH). The faith-based shelter provides temporary housing and support for unhoused families.

We talked to Tracy Burgess, the Executive Director of the Dorothy Day House and co-owner, along with her husband Josh, of Lucy J’s, about their work. 

Lucy J's Bakery
Lucy J's Bakery

1. Tell us about Lucy J's. Why is the work you do important?

When we opened the bakery in September 2018, no one was making a base pay of $15 an hour in the hospitality industry. Even large corporations like Amazon didn’t start paying their employees $15 an hour until October of 2018. But we believe that all people should be able to earn a living wage and support their families. 

2. How did Lucy J's start?

Josh and I were baking out of our kitchen starting in 2012. At that time, we also started volunteering for the DDH by taking desserts to their Sunday Night Prayer. The DDH wanted a social enterprise, and we wanted a restaurant. Neither one of us was quite sure how it would all work out. It wasn’t until 2016 that we met Shawn Massey who was in charge of leasing the retail space at Crosstown Concourse. He was assisting DDH with another project, and before we had a business plan finalized, Sister Maureen Griner, co-founder of the DDH, boldly asked him if he would like a Dorothy Day bakery in the building. After talking with numerous investors and foundations, we were able to open as a 501c3 nonprofit job training program in September 2018.


 3. Why is Lucy J's located in Memphis? 

Josh’s family moved here when he was an infant, and I have been here for 22 years. It’s home to us. We love the diversity and community. Even the city’s challenges push us to do better. Through our service at the Dorothy Day House, we saw the need for employment with higher wages, better schedules, and understanding management – so we created it! 

4. How can Memphians get involved with your organization or volunteer?

Both Lucy J’s Bakery and the DDH have volunteer roles. At the bakery, you can serve guests, scoop cookies, and help in the kitchen. The most important part of that role is working alongside someone, possibly a parent who is working to rebuild their foundation. Working together helps create community and remove the stigma around homelessness.

5. What are some big events or fundraisers that your organization has annually, and how can people contribute?

We need the support of the Memphis community now more than ever. Running a small, local business is difficult right now. Here’s how people can help: 
● Share our story and mission or ask us to come speak to their book clubs, small groups, or businesses.
● Visit us at the Memphis Farmers Market or Cooper Young Farmers Market.
● Stop by the shop in Crosstown Concourse Tuesday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

 6. Tell us about Lucy J's dreams and goals? What does success look like for your organization? 

Our short-term goal is to rebuild our own foundation by increasing revenue through sales and donations. Donations can be made online at The long-term goal is to open a warehouse kitchen so we can hire more individuals to bake and increase our wholesale bread business. Living wage employment is important to us, and Memphis has quite a bit of work to do. Our goal has always been to be an advocate for what a living wage is and what it means, especially for parents.

7. Tell us a little about you. How long have you been working with Lucy J's? 

Josh and I officially formed Lucy J’s Bakery in 2013. He was the baker, and I decorated cakes. Now, Josh is the Executive Director, and he runs the bakery’s day to day operations. I am currently the Executive Director of the Dorothy Day House. As it relates to parents that we have met through the DDH, Josh supports them with schedules, pay, and work responsibilities, and I focus on the personal side of their lives with any housing, school, or transportation needs. It always excites me when an employee comes up with a new menu item, though, because I can be a taste tester. If you haven’t done so, you should try Vanessa’s version of the brookie, a delicious brownie/cookie!




Lucy J's Bakery
1350 Concourse Ave., Suite 151 (located inside Crosstown Concourse)

Tuesday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Donate to Lucy J's Bakery

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