The Big River Crossing Opens Saturday: What You Need To Know

The Big River Crossing Opens Saturday: What You Need To Know

I've been writing about it for months, but now it's finally time for the Big River Crossing Harahan Bridge to open to the public! There will be some fun stuff happening near the bridge on Saturday, so here's what you need to know.


What: The Big River Crossing is a mile-long pedestrian/biking bridge that crosses the Memphis River, adjacent to the Harahan Bridge. Learn more here.

When: Saturday, October 22

1 p.m. - BRC is officially open to everybody for bikes and walking

1 p.m. - 7 p.m. - food trucks and music on the West Memphis (Arkansas) side

4 p.m. - 7 p.m. - food trucks and music at Martyr's Park

7 p.m. - fireworks show, viewable from downtown Memphis

unnamed-4 View from the Arkansas side

Where: Martyr's Park on the Memphis side (map, info), the Bridge itself, and the West Memphis side

Parking: There's a little bit of parking, but with the crowds and traffic expected this Saturday, I would absolutely park somewhere else in downtown Memphis or W. Memphis and then walk/bike to the bridge.

West Memphis will have a free shuttle leaving Lawler's Fireworks at Exit 1 off I-55 and Peabody Place will have $1 parking from 5 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Saturday. The Mud Island Park Garage will have free parking all day as space allows. See below for a map of park-and-ride access via MATA's trolley buses

More Things To Know

- The bridge will connect to more than 70 miles of trails on the Arkansas side. They're working on a park to go over there.

- This weekend is also the RiverArts Festival (read more here) and the St. Jude Ride. What a great day for downtown Memphis!

- If you want a rooft0p view of the fireworks, you can get that at the Twilight Sky Terrace atop the Madison Hotel. They're opening at 4 p.m. and there's a $10 cover.

- MATA's trolley buses will offer park-and-ride access; they'll stop along the routes below every 15 minutes on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Fare is a dollar. Click here to see the map.

Here are some more photos from a recent under-construction tour:

Entrance on the Memphis side. Photo by Jeff Hulett. Entrance on the Memphis side. Photo by Jeff Hulett.
Marker at the entrance on the Memphis side. Photo by Jeff Hulett. Marker at the entrance on the Memphis side. Photo by Jeff Hulett.
There is a train that runs adjacent. It's not crazy shaky or anything. There is a train that runs adjacent. It's not crazy shaky or anything.
This is not the part you walk on. This is not the part you walk on.
Also not the part you walk on. Photo by Jeff Hulett. Also not the part you walk on. Photo by Jeff Hulett.
The Arkansas side, while it was still under construction. The Arkansas side, while it was still under construction.


Are you planning on going this weekend?

Ed. Note: All photos taken by Holly unless otherwise noted.

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David Sowell
Tell me again, how much did this pathway to West Memphis cost?
October 18, 2016 12:13pm
Holly Whitfield
David, these links might answer your questions:
October 18, 2016 12:59pm
What about the lighting up of the bridge? Haven't seen much on that lately. Is that part of Saturday's fun?
October 19, 2016 8:00am
Jay, They're being pretty hush hush about it. I'll be sure to Tweet out anything I find out last-minute on Friday or saturday.
October 19, 2016 11:56am
Big River Trail
Here's a link to the brand new Big River Trail site that has a good video of the 70 mile levee trail.
October 19, 2016 1:48pm
Just want to confirm, is the bridge entrance in Martyr's Park? Thank you!
October 21, 2016 9:23am
Priscilla Telesford
Hello Saturday, I rode my bike from West Memphis to the Big River Crossing. I do have concerns about rather or not this trail will be patrolled with security . I still have concerns because there are some areas along the trail that spooked me a little. My husband and I were the only ones on the trail from what I could 8:30 a.m. Saturday. He is a runner. I was falling behind because I was very tired. But, I saw no security. I was told about cameras being under the bridge. It's a nice trail! But, I would never walk or ride it alone. Some four wheelers with security would be my suggestion. Better safe than sorry.
October 23, 2016 3:20pm
Ted Tutor
How about telling us where the little bit of parking is?
October 24, 2016 8:37am
Holly Whitfield
Martyr's Park and the surrounding area.
October 26, 2016 1:56pm
Holly Whitfield
It's my understanding that it's monitored by cameras and there are security phones. I suppose it is a risk to be taken like any trail or walking path.
October 26, 2016 1:57pm
Teresa White
If one wanted to take a weekend and bike the whole 70ish there any ability to camp along the way? Are there maps that might show camping areas or towns nearby where one might get a hotel for the night? If so, where might i find this? Thanks for any help.
November 8, 2016 6:03am
Holly Whitfield
Hi Teresa, Here's an answer from my outdoors expert pal Joe: As of right now, the best information I can find is that the Big River Trail ( takes you along the levee system to Marianna, Ark. The Saint Francis National Forest is located there, and if you have an America the Beautiful pass from the National Park System, you should be able to camp on U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, some U.S. Fish and Wildlife and many National Park Service lands for free or for a small fee. I would not recommend riding the levee system on a road bike, as the trail is mostly gravel.
November 10, 2016 3:16pm
When are the lights on? I have stopped by several times and failed to catch the bridge lit up. Is there a schedule? I looked on their website but there were no details. thanks.
February 9, 2017 2:20pm