Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park: A Day In Photos
Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park: A Day In Photos
When we think about places to enjoy the outdoors in Memphis, I feel like sometimes we forget Shelby Forest. I'm not sure if that's because it's a bit out of the way (as a state park should be, right?) or if we just don't know what all the place has to offer. The other day, my boss Bob and I went to Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park (commonly known as "Shelby Forest") and had the grand tour, including a mini canoe trip.
Meeman-Shelby Forest is barely half an hour away from downtown, 35 minutes from midtown, and maximum 40 minutes from East Memphis. It's not far when you consider that's all you have to drive to get completely out of the city.
At the park, you can bike or hike on several different trails, take a guided canoe/kayak/pontoon boat tour, camp in a tent or a cabin, ride your horse (if you have a horse), play on two different disc golf courses, picnic by a lake, or visit a nature center. Then, you can finish off your day at the Shelby Forest General Store for the one of the best cheeseburgers in the world.
For more information on availabilty for boat tours, campsites, and park access, visit the Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park website.
Here are some of the things we found on our visit, plus a video about Shelby Forest from the Memphis CVB made with Google Glass. Special thanks to the staff at Meeman-Shelby State Park for spending the day with us.
You can take guided canoe or kayak trips in the Bald Cypress Swamp.
Have a picnic or pick a cabin to stay in on the shores of Poplar Tree Lake.
There are a few birds of prey, including a hawk and an owl, that the rangers take care of.
One of the friendly faces at the Nature Center.
There's a man in the area who will sell you honey on the side of the road. His professional name is "Mr. B".
One of several seating options for a meal at the Shelby Forest General Store. This is before the lunch crowd arrived.
One of the regulars.
The sign says "Best Cheeseburger in the World". I'd have to agree. Read more about the general store here.
For more information, visit the Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park website.
Go there:
Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park
910 Riddick Road Millington, Tenn. 38053
(901) 876-5215

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Pam Payne/Rock…
Shelby Forest is the State Park I grew up with,so it's one of my favorites & we still love to go there a few times a year...great pics.
May 2, 2014 8:36pm
Ron Abernathy
Tell Doug, proprietier of Shelby Forest General Store, HI! Great guys that will tell you many stories. Great burger and Friday night steaks!!
May 5, 2014 11:36am
The website listed doesn't have any information about canoeing, kayaking, pontoon tours, etc. Only a phone number. Didn't they used to have a brochure about it?
July 1, 2014 12:04am
Once upon a time, from our driveway to registration office it took maybe 20-25 minutes. After registering, we'd start the drive to campground and it was like being hundreds of miles from home. Park that motorhome and leave all work stress and cares behind. The one thing I never got to do was to go to Shelby Forest and stay until I wanted to leave. We now live in the shadow of the Smokies and it's beautiful here but I still miss Shelby Forest.
February 6, 2015 11:28pm
Holly Whitfield
Sunny, you'll have to call for more info on the canoe and kayak part. They're very helpful folks but they have a small staff so I suppose that lets them schedule things most efficiently. I found this brochure but it doesn't have much additional information:
February 7, 2015 12:58pm
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