One Last Walk Through Bojo's Antique Mall

One Last Walk Through Bojo's Antique Mall

I was probably in high school the first time I ever went to Bojo's Antique Mall on Summer Ave. My then-boyfriend Steven and I would wander through the badly-lit three story maze of stuff, commenting on the toys, laughing at the books and marveling at the weirdness of it all. We did this a lot. Long after we graduated and broke up, we still made trips to Bojo's. Once a default date, always a default date, I guess. Inside Bojo's Antique Mall, Memphis, Tenn. So when I found out that Bojo's is planning to close its doors on May 31st to make way for (another) dollar store, I emailed Steven and requested one last trip through the store. I'm relieved to report that though the store's population has shrunk from a peak of 150 vendors to about 35, very little has changed. And by that, I mean that some of the same crap that we giggled about in high school is still for sale. Things like these unopened bottles of Coke, commemorating Mud Island's opening in 1982: Commemorative Mud Island Cokes at Bojo's Antique Mall Here are some of the things we saw on our trip through the store yesterday: There's this Herbert Hoover action figure from the "Leaders of the World" series. I know Hoover was president and all, but an action figure? Herbet Hoover Action Figure, Bojo's Antique Mall Tons of records, most of them bad: Records, Bojo's Antique Mall, Memphis, Tenn. One ridiculously ornate bar ($8500). I'm not sure if it comes with the cardboard Dolly Parton or not: Bar, Bojo's Antique Mall, Memphis, Tenn One of the things I love about Bojo's is the large quantities of similar items. There are boxes of postcards, Happy Meal toys, empty Coke bottles, and these ballpoint pens: Pens, Bojo's Antique Mall, Memphis, Tenn. Finally, there's this: Staring Contest, Bojo's Antique Mall, Memphis, Tenn. Just try to look away. I bet you can't. Go get your Bojo's fix soon. The magic ends on May 31st.

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Damn sad. I've bought so much stuff from there this past year. Sad to see it go and especially sad to know that it's gonna be a dollar store.
March 2, 2011 3:16pm
Man... that stinks. I mean, I can see it closing but for a dollar store? Awful.
March 2, 2011 3:23pm
I hate that they are closing. I spent a lot of hours roaming around in there with friends too. *sigh* At least it won't be another Walgreens/CVS . . . .
March 2, 2011 4:42pm
martha young
Please don't go. I promise to walk thru at least once a week. I will miss you.
March 2, 2011 8:48pm
Wow.. that place is a pickers dream... sad to see it go - especially to a ridiculous dollar store... AS IF we need yet another of those.
March 3, 2011 11:07am
Oh no, I love that place! I will definitely be making a trip (or two or three) there before it closes its doors!
March 7, 2011 10:03pm
Bought ALL my 8-tracks from there.Today,the Wife went for one last look.Bought a HEAVY fountain.Gonna miss these guys!
May 30, 2011 1:13pm
Gyton Oliver
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are they going to relocate somewhere else? please say yes. I just got the news, i was bringing my cousin on tomorrow to see the place. i shared with her that you would have leave and eat lunch and come back. it was so much to see. Bo Jo if you are reading these comments please don't leave us
September 23, 2011 6:16pm
Joe hopper
My grandfather was one of the original vendors there I basically spent a ton of my childhood there. After his death that was the first place I went and just set in his booth or booths I should say. The first picture posted of the mud island coke bottles where in his booth. It was awesome to see it here Thankyou
January 15, 2018 1:51pm
Holly Whitfield
This is a great story, Joe! Thanks so much for sharing and I'm glad you were able to see his goods here
January 16, 2018 11:41am