Let's Make 901 Day a Real Holiday

Let's Make 901 Day a Real Holiday

Happy 901 Day, Memphis!

For those of you elsewhere, September 1 (9/01) is the date that matches up to Memphis' area code. It happens every year, and we need to start making a big deal out of it.

901 Necklace, Memphis, Tenn.

Yesterday, Jen from The Memphis Blog posted this about 901 Day:

"I think 901 Day should be a local holiday -- a day dedicated not only to reflecting on all the great things about Memphis but also on working to make it better. A day free of hating, as Tony Allen might say. Maybe local museums could offer admission discounts to foster cultural appreciation, volunteer organizations could host service opportunities... Neighborhoods could have block parties and open houses. And of course, a citywide day off work would be purely optional."

It can't be that hard to start a holiday, right? Hallmark has started plenty. But instead of using our new holiday to encourage blatant consumerism, let's use it to encourage civic awesomeness.

So, here's my proposal: let's make 901 Day happen in 2012. We may have to start small - just block parties in the park or something, but we can always dream big. If you own a business or run an organization or have access to people that do, consider doing something for 901 Day next year. Let's make something happen.

Who's with me?

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Great idea! I am in.
September 1, 2011 3:11pm
» 901 Day
[…] block parties and open houses. And of course, a citywide day off work would be purely optional. Let’s Make 901 Day a real holiday Memphis Flyer: […]
March 23, 2014 12:07pm